In foresight of a celebration, anniversary or an important event, many of us find the question of what to give family, friends, business partners and colleagues, complex to answer.
Through the advent of innovations by the Elitka group, the gift certificate program provides you with a brilliant solution.
The “Elitka Group” gives the right to visit any of the places witch listed on our website. The certificate is a one-off and if the account exceeds the face value of the cards, you can just pay the difference.
The Elitka Group offers one-time use gift certificates in denominations of $100 (Standard), $200 (Classic) and $500 (Platinum) - and an expiration date of one year from date of purchase.
Those who wish to present an Exclusive gift can purchase a “Gift Certificate” in exclusive limited edition of $1000 . It provides for one-time use. You can use it for big party like exmple, within one year from the purchase date of the certificate.
The “Gift Certificate ” of Elitka Group - is a versatile and most importantly, original gift for any occasion.
You can buy gift certificates on our website.

Standard voucher (nominal value of $100), Classic (nominal value of $200), Platinum (nominal value of $300) and Exclusive (nominal value $1000).
It provides for one-time use. You can use it for big party like exmple

One calendar year from the date of purchase. If within the specified time the gift certificate is not used, its nominal value is not refundable.

You "AGREE" with our Terms and Conditions by pressing any of sales "Buttom"
Gift Certificat will be mailed out during week after payment,
Please provide correct name, email,
shipping adress during your transaction.
Thank you.